15 Marzo 2025


“Circus is the silent concentration of the art of playing without saying a word, anti-theatre, the technique of the deaf and mute people, the great actors of the world”

Charlie Chaplin.


Ge-Fin presents S/S Collection 2023 with the aim of raising emotions thanks to extraordinary , innovative and, where possible, also sustainable projects.

The Circus is a metaphor playing the joyful aspects of life in the fashion world, proposing colored and funny materials without taking themselves too seriously. It’s a place of madness and extravagance, a commitment to a sense of magic, not only for its own extravagance but also for its discipline and perseverance in the achievement of an epic, artistic result. That’s why the subject “Circus” in the S/S 2023 Collection is presented again in a creative and different way, without cages, in a punk version, fairy-tale or very colourful, so that to set the imagination free.
Life is a circus, and the circus dictates the trends.


Color transparency and watering down combined with light nuances, that are at the same time clean and refreshing. Liquid color tones recall the alcohol-Ink techniques, pastels and watercolors on soft, pebble milled leathers or exotic embossings. Design and graphics like oil on canvas, patterns washed out in a color richer of different tones, with lighter and more transparent nuances. Watercolored and spectral bands become new techniques of degrading coloring. No longer linear and multicolor, but monochrome and indented artworks, a union of spray and tie dye.


Artworks and patterns which are created almost accidentally.
Refined leathers which tell the story of their own manufacturing process, as it was done randomly.
The technical detail is seen as a quality and not as a deterioration aspect.
Stratifications and corrosions become the way of creating graphic effects, synonimous of prestige and manufacture.
Perforated textures, bleaches.
Mirrored brush-offs and shiny/satin finishes recall the characteristic mineral surfaces, which are modeled by atmospheric agents.
Every thing that is modified by the time is unique and different, historic and natural.


Freedom of expression, genuine uniqueness.
The digital contamination replaces the handmade calligraphy, inks, stamps and brushes are the real main characters of the trend. Ironic and simple designs overlap and mix colors and techniques giving value to inaccurate lines, smears and interrupted lines.
Dynamic and energetic colors influence the black and white.
New patterns are created, new patchworks, anything but imperfect, complex and overlapping.
A new interpretation of the pois traits, similar but different one from each other.
The hand made trait combines the Street Art and the Pret a Porter.


Alternative tanning processes create new styles with a pleated, soft and patent look.
Reptile microtextures, classic but more sophisticated, recall the processing of the molten metals into moulds with reliefs and deep grooves.
On the contrary the leather skins come out soft and well-rounded, with a gentle and refined handfeel.
Unusual patterns create a fusion of different species in a clean and discreet design.
Shiny or mat,but always gelatinous and very detailed.
Dusty and clouded patents.
Fabric weaves, micro straws, jeans and cottons made more precious in the underglass technique, are identified as surprisingly new and refined materials .

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